I’m very surprised to see in the past few years that many people conduct search engine optimization (SEO) as if they could outsmart tech giants like Google who have top-notch scientists in the world.
Whatever you do for your business via digital, don’t forget the ultimate objective — revenue. To achieve the long-term growth, companies must create “value” for customers and the prospects.
Search engine traffic is very cost effective; but don’t ever think the goal of SEO is to drive traffic to your website; your sites may rank very high for competitive keywords, but you will have very low conversions if you ignore user experience.
To be specific, the bounce rates could be very high for organic search traffic if you have poor user interface or somehow manage to trick the search engine instead of creating high quality valuable content for users. If that is the case, users will most likely click “back” button on the browser and return to the results listing, and visit another website which could be your competitor’s website.
That’s not all, if this search user gets really annoyed by your content, either being a mismatch of what she’s looking for and what you provide, she may never want to see your pages and she can do that by click on the link in Google SERP, “Block all www.yourdomain.com results”. Here is an example:
The good news is, only logged in users can do that. But, eventually you lose more and more customers. So, pay attention to your bounce rates and improve it.