Search Engine Marketing
- The New SEO Perspective on Flash [ClickZ]
“Flash may not be the most ideal scenario for search engines, but there’s often a strong rationale for not abandoning it. There are also workarounds available like SWFObject that get better with every version of Flash that comes out.” - The Internet and Consumer Choice [Pew Internet]
Rather than expecting a search ad to result in a product purchase, marketers would be better served to expect a search ad to result in an offline purchase. - B2B Search Marketing Success [StraightUpSearch]
New Oneupweb White Paper
Social Media Marketing
- Digital Video In-Stream Ad Metrics Definitions [IAB]
This document specifies standard definitions for digital video advertising metrics. - The Essential Guide to Social Media – A Free eBook [PR 2.0]
An executive outline of Social Media tools and resources needed to listen and participate, guiding PR, Customer Service, Product Development, and Marketing. - Brands Turn to Micro-Blogging [Media Week]
Dell CMO Mark Jarvis had a challenge for his digital team: Come up with an innovative way to connect with consumers online and sell products – and do it without a budget. - How to Get Traffic from the top Social Media Sites [ViperChill]
“I’ve put together this list of only the best articles which cover marketing on Youtube, Facebook, MySpace, StumbleUpon, Twitter and Digg.”
- 6 ways to enhance user experience [iMedia]
In this article, we’ll explore new interaction techniques that can take your online marketing efforts to the next level.
Marketing Research
- Newspaper Ads Help Drive Consumers to the Web [Marketing Charts]
Some 44% of people who saw a product or service advertised in a newspaper in the past month researched it – and two-thirds (67%) of that group went online to find more information, according to a Google-commissioned survey from Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo.